If you like to fish or have fishers in your family or friends you will want one of these and best of all they are free! Be Quick.

What is it? Designed to clip onto your belt or tackle box, the Tackle Back goes with you anywhere you go fishing, in your kayak or in the boat, so you have your own personal bin wherever you are. Easy, convenient.
A simple but winning idea for our wildlife, environment and fishing community.
You can also put any broken recreational fishing gear or gear you find along the way into your Tackle Back and then deposit it in your local Rig Recycle station for recycling.
The Tackle Back empowers recreational fishers to preserve their favourite fishing spots by responsibly disposing of fishing-related waste. And there is currently 1000 available being trialed in Mandurah! Thanks to efforts of local champions especially Ash from Tackle World Miami for championing the project locally.
We are proud to be a small part of this initiative.
So get your hands on one now! And one for your partner or friend.
Tackle World Miami, City of Mandurah and Bluewater Marine all have Tackle Backs to give out free now and are also collection points for the fishing debris to be recycled, by hosting a Rig Recycle Bin.
Help keep our wildlife safe and environment clean.
Learn more here ---> https://tangaroablue.org/rig-recycle-launches-tackle-backa-new-tool-for-fishers-to-combat-fishing-waste/
This exciting project is supported by Tangaroa Blue, City of Mandurah, Tackle World Miami, Coastal Waste Warriors, Western Australian Seabird Rescue, Estuary Guardians Mandurah and Recfishwest.