An important part of what we do at Estuary Guardians is educating the community about Mandurah’s incredible marine environment, the diverse wildlife that call it home, the threats they face and how we can all do our part to protect them. We hope to inspire more people to become 'estuary guardians'.
For adults, we have held regular Dolphin Forums where Mandurah Dolphin Research Project scientists Dr Krista Nicholson, Dr Nahiid Stephens and Martin Van Aswegen have presented their projects and results, our Mandurah Volunteer Dolphin Rescue Group and Mandurah Cruises have provided updates on the dolphin population and John Tonkin College students have presented projects they are working on in the Peel-Harvey Estuary - such as the Black Bream project. For kids, we started out with a Kids Teach Kids program that the students at John Tonkin College took to schools in Mandurah.
This has since grown to our expert team providing interactive school incursions for ages daycare/pre-school to year 12, talks at private community groups, education stalls at community events and further dolphin forums and Dolphin Watch events.
Our education team all have there Working With Children Card. While our education offerings are interactive and so, better experienced in person, we can also present them online via Zoom.
See our education offerings below and contact us on estuaryguardians@gmail.com if you'd like us to visit your school, community group or event.
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. "
- Nelson Mandela
Junior - Marine Education Program
This FREE interactive incursion is suitable for childcare/pre-school to year 2, with the purpose to teach students about the basics of our unique marine world in Mandurah and what we can do to protect. It includes the following activities:
• Name animals that live in Mandurah's waterways / ocean
• Learn about Mandurah's population of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins - population size, main body parts, how to identify individuals and behaviour - feeding, sleeping, socialising.
• Learn about the Western Rock Lobster and Blue Swimmer Crab and meet our live animals (seasonal).
• Threats to our wildlife - Identify different types of rubbish and talk about why they are dangerous for our wildlife.
• 'Amber Dawn Princess Warrior' book read to students and donated to the school.
• To finish, all students receive a sticker and may give mascot Dolly the dolphin a high five or hug.
Duration: ~45 Minute incursion
This incursion is provided in partnership with Mandurah Cruises

Primary & High - Marine Education Program
This interactive incursion is suitable for students year 3 to year 12, provides a deeper understanding of Mandurah's dolphin population, the threats they face and how we can protect them and our other wildlife. It includes a digital presentation with the following activities:
Part 1:
• Learn about Mandurah's dolphin population - population size, anatomy and behaviour - feeding, sleeping, socialising.
• Activities: Dolphin Identification & Dolphin Pin Wheel.
• Resource: All students are provided with a Mandurah Fin Book which identifies all the dolphins in the area and their stories, along with information on the different behaviours.
Part 2:
• Learn about the threats Mandurah's dolphins face and who looks after them.
• Activity: Dolphin Rescue Sling
Part 3:
• Learn about Estuary Guardians Mandurah - community group formed by the students at John Tonkin College.
• Optional Activity: School site litter clean up.
Following this session some schools have worked on different projects with us including holding a dolphin day at their school (teaching other students about dolphins, games and bake sale), building a website, producing a video.
This incursion can also be followed up with a 1.5-hour education cruise with Mandurah Cruises, where students have the opportunity to see Mandurah's marine environment and meet some of our dolphins.
Duration: ~1.5-2 hour incursion
Adult - Marine Education Program
Are you part of a community group or sporting club that would like to learn more about Mandurah's Dolphin Population? Our education team are happy to provide a free talk (with or without our digital presentation).
Resource: Attendees are provided with a Mandurah Fin Book which identifies all the dolphins in the area and their stories, along with information on the different behaviours.
Duration: Tailored to suit.

Community Events - Stall
Estuary Guardians Mandurah attend Community Events with an informative and interactive stall suitable for all ages.
Our stall set up includes:
• Expert team - ask us questions about Mandurah's dolphins
• Visual displays of our dolphins and threats they face
• FREE Mandurah Fin Books
• FREE children's activities - Dolphin pin wheel, dolphin identification and what doesn't belong in the ocean game
• Dolphin rescue demonstration - What to do if you find a stranded dolphin
• Learn about volunteer opportunities