Estuary Guardians Mandurah
Respect ~ Protect ~ Connect
Who are Estuary Guardians Mandurah?
Estuary Guardians was established in 2015 by John Tonkin College students & teachers - working with rescue, research, business and schools, to encourage people to look after Mandurah’s dolphins and environment. It has since evolved into a community driven group - incorporating Mandurah Volunteer Dolphin Rescue Group.
Meet Mandurah's Dolphins
Mandurah has a population of ~85 Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins that reside in the Peel-Harvey Estuary all year round, as well as a Dawesville Cut / coastal community of ~40. Learn all about them, the threats they face and how you can help them. Plus, download the latest edition of the Mandurah Fin Book.
News & Upcoming Events
Estuary Guardians Mandurah cohost a range of different events, including dolphin information nights, Dolphin Watch training sessions, beach / estuary clean ups, children's education sessions and social meetings. We also share other events relative to Mandurah's unique environment and its wildlife. See what's coming up!
What We Do

Inspire more people to become estuary guardians by providing education programs on Mandurah's wildlife & marine environment - young children to adults.

Work on projects to protect and raise awareness of Mandurah's wildlife & marine environment - fishing line bins, video campaigns, citizen science & more.

Keep the community connected to Mandurah's dolphins & waters they call home, by hosting regular events, social media updates & messenger service.
What To Do
If you find a Stranded, Injured, Entangled or Deceased Dolphin
Call DBCA Wildcare Helpline 9474 9055 and Mandurah Volunteer Dolphin Rescue Group 0407 090 284.
Your safety is most important!
• Don't attempt to move the dolphin - this can cause serious injury to them and you.
• Keep clear of the tail - this is the most powerful part of its body and can cause serious injury.
• Check the dolphin is breathing through its blowhole - you should see it opening and closing every so often. Ensure it is not covered or underwater - gently roll the dolphin on its belly if it is.
• Keep the dolphin's skin wet with water - avoiding the blowhole as it can drown if it gets water in there.
• Shade the dolphin using a towel or sheet to keep them out of the direct sun. Avoid placing anything on its dorsal fin, pectoral fins and tail, as this is how the dolphin can regulate body temperature.
• While waiting for help, try not to make too much noise or sudden movements as this can stress the dolphin.
• If the dolphin is sunburnt do NOT apply sunscreen.

The Mandurah Volunteer Dolphin Rescue Group (MVDRG) was established in 1997 following the stranding of 6 dolphins in Goegrup Lake. We are a group of volunteers who monitor Mandurah’s dolphins, keep records of changes to the population and advise and assist Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions on any entangled, injured, stranded or deceased animals. MVDRG are kindly sponsored by
Peel Preservation Group Incorporated
Since Estuary Guardians was established the group have been given more of a voice - opportunities to engage, inform and educate the community and work with local and state government departments to protect Mandurah's dolphins.
You can follow records of the population dating back over 25 years at ‘A history of our dolphins in Mandurah’ page.